My True Aim

"My True Aim"

2017-07-10 19:34:38

I’m Kitagawa Ryoha,
18 years old, who loves ice cream very much

It has been decided that Mihama Kaiyuusai will take place this year too!🌺

It’s very hot every year
But the heat makes you feel good right?😊😊

The sea is right in front of you
Let’s liven things up with your passionate call

It’s not summer if you don’t do that (><)(><)

This year we get to perform it too
Another thing to look forward to this Summer


Questiona corner

Q…Which dish do you want to challenge?
Let’s see~~ Meat and potato stew
Because I can be a good wife if I can cook that👰

Q…What’s the thing that everyone hates but me?
The screeching sound by metal
A lot of people hate that right?
But I’m fine with it (^_^)

Q…When the hot summer comes, you prefer sea or pool?
I like the big sea but the sunburn is~~~
I like the beautiful clear sea very much

I wonder when the last time I went to pool was
I want to go to the pool at night♪😊😊

Thanks for your questions
I’m still collecting questions🌻🌻💗


The happy trip in Hokkaido has comes to an end🐻💗

It’s unusually hot in Hokkaido for these 2 days

The sunlight was almost the same as Nagoya
I was shocked

And for such a day, I had a White Miso spring onion ramen

I always hear about Miso ramen
but white miso ramen is rare🍜♪

It’s very delicious
I ate Hokkaido soft serve ice cream too🍦💗
I ate the plain vanilla one🍦

I uploaded the photo to Instagram too
Please take a look if you can

Thanks for reading to the end😊💗

Today I felt like eating something simple

Tomorrow is the theatre stage performance
Shall do my best


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